Thursday, September 15, 2011

Truth or Dare... sometimes a fantasy

Dear Twentee5, i think that generally speaking, this year has been a tough year for hearts. A lot of people died, disasters, riots, divorces, people lost their jobs, even broken relationships. Life is short and opportunities are rare so we have to be vigilant in protecting them and not only the opportunities to succeed but the opportunities to laugh - to laugh till it hurts, to see the enchantment and beauty of simple things and to live because life doesn't owe us anything, in fact I think we owe something at least, to the world. I like how I can close my eyes and see people as people; human- flesh and blood wrapped in a suit of disappointment. People are going to disappoint you, I totally get that but what happens if one day you wake-up and realize you are the disappointment? I want to draw something that means something to someone, but I can't draw. I can do this; write but the problem with writing is it's much. It's baring all, no subliminal or hidden rhymes can hide an emotion, there's no Picasso on the keyboard. I wish I could say everything I want to say but keep my identity hidden, be absolutely normal, like the passenger beside you on the bus, the stranger you stepped on at the market or even your sister.

Let’s play truth or dare, or maybe just dare, because nobody knows how to tell the truth anymore. I dare you to imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true. You know… the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person. Who's standing next to you? Wait! Don't answer that, you don't want to disappoint yourself, I mean if I were you I'd totally down the bottle of vodka instead… LOL! People who are meant to be together always find a way to each other. A wise man once said – “You can have anything in life if you’re willing to sacrifice everything else for it.” What he meant is nothing comes without a price. So before you go into battle, you better decide how much you’re willing to lose. Too often going after what feels good means letting go of what you know is right and letting someone in means abandoning the walls you’ve spent a lifetime building. Of course the toughest sacrifices are the ones we don’t see coming. When we don’t have time to come up with a strategy to pick sides or to measure the potential loss. When that happens, when the battle chooses us, and not the other way around, that’s when the sacrifice can turn out to be more than we can bear.

You know I've got a lot of my "there are two kinds of people in the world" theories, this one is pretty silly... There are lyric people and music people. The lyrics people tend to be analytical. They know all about the meaning of the song, they're the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pondering over the lyrics, interpreting the heck out of everything, quoting the lines and writing about the singers intentions. Then the music people who could careless for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I don’t know… I think it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl. But since I’m not, let me just say this; Somethings find you when you need them to find you, I believe that, and for me its usually song lyrics. Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it's because they are always getting ready to live, "I'll do this and that tomorrow"or "I'm saving this for her birthday"…Before they know it, time runs out. The fantasy is simple- Pleasure is good, and twice as much pleasure is better. Pain is bad, and no pain is better but the reality is different. The reality is that pain is there to tell us something- there's only so much pleasure we can take without getting a stomach ache with reference to my chocolate loving three year old and maybe that's okay or maybe some fantasies are only supposed to live in our dreams.

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