Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You know...

our friendship has shown me
that i have a capacity
to receive equal,
if not greater than,
that from which i give.

i had never trusted anyone
enough to let my guard down.
i expected failure,
so when it came,
it could not disappoint.
every time it came,
though expected,
the accompanying pain was not.

not only has the source
of my expectations changed,
but what i expect has changed.
more importantly,
who i am has changed.

the foundation of who i was
has been steadied by who i am.

the fragile glass through which
i looked longingly
has been tempered
and now offers protection
from the elements
and clarity of vision.

the power of a friend whose love
transcends space and time,
is unparalleled to anything
this earth has to offer.

if the universe has so blessed you,
thank her.
if you find yourself lacking one
who has touched your life
in this manner,
seek her.
i did and Her answer was...
just what i needed

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