Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Heart...

... loves a man
that doesn't understand
that while i can't imagine
a tomorrow without him
life has given me
a multitude of [to]days
from which he has been absent

my heart loves a man
who is not ready to accept
that i am so drawn to his intellect
that i can barely keep myself in check

the chatter in the background
disguised as the lives we live
will not afford us the opportunity
for either of us to consider
the possibility that we
could be
just what
the other

the paths of our lives
somehow still managed to intertwine
and yet in a parallel dimension we exist
as we examine each twist
of the dance we do
first her
next him
then me
now you

my heart loves this man
and refuses to understand
why "yes" can't be maybe
"one day" can't be now
why "i love you" can't be enough

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