Sunday, October 2, 2011

Here's to the Future...

As happens a-times, a moment settled, hovered and remained much more than a moment. Sound stopped and movement too, for much more than a moment… and then the moment was gone. In other words, I feel like a musician without her band- just me and my microphone doing resonating acapellas. I visited my village for my sister's wedding and speaking of the food and hospitality, I had a swell time. Also, a VERY long conversation with my grandma, last time I saw her I was 5 years old… she's 101 years old now, how time flies. I wanted to ask her a lot of questions but I was scared, not sure what my fear was about. Maybe she may not know the answers, maybe I'm scared to bother her with my problems or maybe I'm just scared I might get the answers… I'm afraid of knowing, It's funny but maybe someone should have interviewed my mom before she had a baby. As we strain to grasp the things we desire, the things we think will make our life better- money, education, for some popularity, fame, a social "relevance" (LOL), we ignore the things that truly matter. The simple things like friendship, family, love, the things we probably already have. The short trip opened my eyes to a lot of things, like hey, there's more to life than 140 character long texts, red carpets and fancy careers… let's start with a smile.

My grandma would dive at any opportunity to get company, I totally get her. She's still breathing, she still matters. For the first time ever, I met someone who's optimistic about death… pretty cool, huh? Anyways, on the matter, my uncle asked me what I'm doing about "finding a husband" and I CONFIDENTLY said nothing. That's not what I want else I'd have been Mrs miserable four years ago. I'm not quite the eloquent speaker, so I'm borrowing a few words from Shakespeare.  'Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds…' . When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same. After I heard my sister tell me of what she and her husband had been through in courtship, I felt a flexible joint of safety in my bones. I don't know how to say it but she gave me hope and I don't want to say it loud because what if Life finds out and tries to beat it out of her just to get at me? We all can use a little general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled. The feeling that everything would be okay and someone will be there to make sure of that. So here's to my sister and her hubby, to everyone who's married to LOVE, for LOVE and because of LOVE. Here's to hope, to remember today as the beginning of always. A promise. A reward for persisting through life so long alone, together. A belief in each other. A decision to ignore, to simply rise above everything. A covenant, which at once binds two souls and severs all prior ties. A celebration of the chance taken and challenges that lie ahead. Two will always be stronger than one and love will be the guiding force- the lamp, the yellow brick road. last night was mere formality, only an announcement to the world of feelings long held, promises made long ago in the sacred spaces of their hearts. Here's to love, for always and forever.

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